
A Feminist, who Happens to be a Muslim

Selamat hari #Kartini! Keywords of the day; feminism, women, gender equality. Not that I'm such an expert (bah, not even close), the idea of being a Muslim feminist has come across this mind since day one and I like talking about this. No shame.

There is this concern on how feminism often contradicts with the fact that some life decisions among women are not seen as an empowering decision whatsoever.

I don't think forcing any women to comply to a particular standard of living defines how feminism should work. Because women have rights to do what she's good at, without prejudice or status quo overshadowing her path. Because, sometimes, choosing not to carry out women's rights the way other women do, is also human rights.

And this matter may sound even more interesting if we relate feminism with Islam, as women are often labeled as the inferior gender due to women position in family or marriage. Maybe this will sound merely as a justification that comes from a Muslim woman. Because I for one think that some limitations on Muslim women aren't considered as oppression, but merely a significant role given as rewarding and valued choice. And it is highly essential to stop comparing which life decision defines feminism the most as it can lead to misconception and counterproductive meaning.

Shout out to women in our lives.

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