
Keen Sting

As I began writing in the middle of midnight, I suddenly and randomly remembered an awesome line from a movie Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince, Albus Dumbledore once said, “To be young, love is a keen sting.” and that is saying something. I even stayed up tonight wondering about this and thought that his line was well said.

If I relate that line with real life case example, I personally think (and feel) that some people tend to grow and express their ‘ego’ when it comes to showing any kind of affection to other people whom they are concerned about. Most of them forget to do the math about possibilities of sting they probably will get. For example, a 10 years old boy comes to a girl’s house he has crush with, while bringing a pretty sunflower from her mother’s garden without any permission. After he arrives he gives the flower to the girl, saying some sentences that according to the girl are obviously cheesy and not romantic, to confess his feeling that probably makes the girl super awkward and uncomfortable. She accepts the flower without giving any pleasant response. The next day when they both meet in school cafeteria, the girl does not even want to make an eye contact because she’s afraid that the boy will ask her to fill the hole of expectation in his heart.

From the girl’s side, she understands that someone must express their feeling, but does not understand why the boy has to go that way and she does not like it. From the boy’s side, he just does not understand why he receives such rejection.

Back to topic, the ego has started to show right after the boy picks up sunflower from his mom’s garden, and being repeated when he decides to confess about his feeling to the girl although he is not a hundred percent sure about it. Like, he does not even know what ‘style of confession’ the girl digs.

Then I was wondering, why do some people just simply assume and soon become over-confident with their assumptions, yet their foolish expectations for a support to agree with?

And then after a lot of day-dreaming, and line of arguments with mom as she said that my way of thinking was too weird to be spoken, I admitted that I was such a moron to think that way (and then I decided to write this to clear out the fact the I WAS a moron).

Of course, humans tend to believe that they should express what they feel about someone, especially when it comes to giving affection to people who they care about. I once wrapped up that this matter would express people’s ego more than the affection itself. It was sort of like that because I thought I didn’t need one, until one day I stood on a path where I should check out a map to affection-land to lead my way straight forward in order to pour my fondness out. And then I just knew I was wrong. I was being that 10 years old boy I talked about earlier.

And Albus Dumbledore has spoken a well-said line which I strongly support at the moment. Love stings. But maybe if the actor, actress, and the storyboard imply extended supports of expectation fulfillment, it is possible to be one nice and gentle keen sting.

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