
Seduction of Democratic Rights

Anyone can talk about politics, even if one was not trained to deliver arguments in proper way. Who said that to be politically correct you must have a degree in politics or social science? Nah. Our way of thinking is just as logical as those who went to school to study in-depth state and nation dynamics from history to current issue. We don't need to go through classes to present our research paper because our argument in social media is just as correct.

Anyone can talk about politics, even if the discussion is circling around the most trivial matter. When a random individual, or a political figure from the opposition party we dislike, makes a mistake which doesn't even offend us in any way, we'll go ahead bashing them because we feel like it's an issue we need to stand up for. In the name of democracy and the freedom of expression, duh.

Anyone can talk about politics, even if one doesn't have the ability to cross-check source of news. Why bother reading a bunch of news articles since we can always be informed through buzzing facebook post? Those broadcasted pictures have conveyed a concluded information anyway. All we have to do is to buzz it even more religiously before legal authority confirms a case. Attention! Our reaction does matter since it's what makes us belong to a society.

Anyone can talk about politics, just because why not, just because this-country-is-my-school-of-thoughts, just because foreseeing political future is more beneficial than rereading history, just because asal bunyi is fun.

It's a brainy world where opinion speaks louder than reasonings, that people love their own truth instead of comprehending the bigger picture. In conclusion, anyone can talk about politics for the sake of democratic rights.

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